Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Welcome to The Thirsty Runner

Welcome to The Thirsty Runner! Since this is my first post, I'll take a few minutes to explain my vision behind The Thirsty Runner. This blog is a platform in which I can catalog my two passions, one old, and one very new: running and home brewing.
Keep in mind that I do not partake in these activities simultaneously (although that would be interesting to try and watch!)I have been running since I could walk, but I have only been brewing beer since the start of this year (can you guess which one I am better at?). The Thirsty Runner will attempt to give you a little insight behind my passion for running, as well as a few tips, workouts, and motivation, while also documenting my beer-making endeavor. I am by no means an expert in either of these fields, in fact, I am far from it! However, I strive to bring some humor and some insight to these disciplines.
I would not consider myself an elite athlete or an expert brewer. I have a lot of knowledge to share in some fields, and plenty to gain in others. I have 15 years worth of running experience, and have been a brewer for two months (can I call myself a brewer yet?).  If you would like to add your two-cents, I welcome your opinion; any knowledge you have to offer is greatly appreciated.

Bottom line: I love to run, I love to brew; I can have my cake and eat it too.


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